
Welcome to the help page for Hosts covering important rules in Berlin.

Do you have questions about the rules, laws and different examples of renting on Airbnb in Berlin? Here you will find a lot of information that can help you when hosting on Airbnb in Berlin.Please note that this page only deals with the regulations of the Berlin housing law and the associated ordinance. Further important information for Hosts can be found here.
Responsible hosting in Germany

Important Information for Hosts in Berlin

By 1 of March 2023 all listings need to show a registration number or contact details.It is important to know that you need to update your listing – if you have not done so yet – until March 1st 2023 in order to continue short-term hosting.
  • Residential listings need to add a valid registration number or only allow long-term stays (minimum 3 months) for living purposes. In order to switch to long term hosting, hosts need to change their minimum length of stay settings to host only 92 nights or longer stays.
  • Non-residential listings need to add a valid registration number or their contact information.
Listings that do not comply will be deactivated or limited to hosting only long-term stays of 3 months or longer from March 1st 2023 onwards.Learn more about the regulations and requirements for listings in Berlin below:
Berlin’s Zweckentfremdungsverbotsgesetz (ZwVbG) is a law that prohibits the use of living spaces for unauthorized purposes and governs the use of residential property. The law, last revised on September 16, 2021 explicitly addresses homesharing, including short-term rentals in Berlin. It also covers different regulations depending on the type of accommodation you offer and also contains certain obligations for hosts offering non-residential properties. In the following overview you will find the most common cases of application.

City Tax

In 2013, the Overnight Accommodation Tax Act was implemented to collect taxes on expenses related to for-profit overnight accommodation in Berlin. Hosts on Airbnb must also pay this tax. Please check the City’s dedicated page.

Join a Host Club

Hosts on Airbnb in Germany can join a Host Club near them to ask questions about sharing accommodation and hosting travellers, understand the regulations in force in their area and help each other locally. In Berlin we have the Better Hosting Club Berlin.
Join the better hosting club Berlin

Resource Center

In the Airbnb Resource Center you can find lots of information on hosting and travelling on Airbnb.Please note: This page provides specific information about local laws that apply to people who host their homes in Berlin. Just like in our country article for Germany ,it’s your responsibility to verify and comply with any obligations that apply to you as a Host. This page can serve as a starting point or place you can come back to if you have questions but it isn’t exhaustive and it doesn’t constitute legal or tax advice. It’s a good idea to check to make sure laws and procedures are current.