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Helping to keep the Airbnb community safe is one of our top priorities. In certain countries, we may screen users against publicly available information to prevent users involved in serious crimes or human trafficking from using Airbnb or to stop people from using Airbnb for commercial sex work or commercial pornography. If we have at least a first name, last name, phone number, and city and country of residence for a user with a new booking or a new listing, we may perform a screening.

How screenings work and what they entail

  1. We submit identifying information (which can include first name, last name, phone number, and city and country of residence) to an approved safety screening provider.
  2. They check the person’s identifying information against publicly available information associated with serious crimes, human trafficking, or ongoing commercial sex work or commercial pornography.
  3. Airbnb reviews the information in accordance with our policies against illicit activities. In certain cases, Airbnb will remove users based on the results of these screenings.
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